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Holistic Cancer Support
As you begin your cancer journey, I can assist you through your own very personal experience. My goal is to empower you with the vast amount of information I have learned on this journey and offer you all the key steps to return balance, wholeness, and healing to your life with proven protocols, therapeutic supplementation, and body/mind/spirit support.
Certified through: Center for Advancement in Cancer Education,
Professional Cancer Coaches International, and Optimal Health Systems
It is my vision to help cancer patients and others understand, evaluate, and access additional therapeutic options that can further improve disease outcome. My protocols, support and referral services provide individualized guidance to patients and caregivers nationwide to help enhance nutritional, psychological, emotional, and immune status; prevent recurrence, minimize treatment side effects, improve quality of life, and optimize survival. Patients undergoing treatment for cancer often suffer from compromised immune function, low blood cell counts, lack of appetite, poor energy, weight loss, digestive disturbances, pain, anxiety and depression. Other patients are not candidates for, have failed on, or refuse conventional oncologic treatment.
The information I provide is science-based (always the most up-to-date research), but also always patient-driven. By empowering individuals with cancer to take charge of their health and wellness, many will be able to lead more productive, happy, healthy lives and avoid much of the emotional, physical, and financial trauma often experienced by cancer patients and their families.
At the core of cancer lies a single word: intelligence. Cancer cells are intelligent. It is a proven fact that they can rapidly recruit healthy cells to create large masses that we know as tumors. It is also known now that obliterating large tumor masses can and usually does leave behind cancer stem cells that carry within them the entire information needed to replicate tumors. The resulting tumors tend to be more aggressive and resistant to therapy.
That is why to truly treat cancer, we have to look past killing the cancer cell. We must modify the environment that provides the “fertile soil” for its growth so that cancer finds it increasingly difficult to set root. We must re-energize the immune system so that it does not remain an ineffective, silent bystander while cancer grows. The body has all the information it needs to beat cancer — it has been doing this task from the day each of us was born. Somewhere along the way, our body’s defenses get overwhelmed. That is why knowing how to restore the body’s ability to defend itself becomes a central theme in holistic cancer medicine.
We have a very powerful comprehensive holistic program in place that you can expect real results rapidly. We have no limitations. Everything can be done very effectively no matter where in the world you are.
As you begin your wellness journey, I can assist you through your own very personal experience. My goal is to empower you with the vast amount of information I have learned on this journey and offer you key steps to return balance, wholeness, and healing to your life with proven protocols, therapeutic services and supplementation.